Showing posts with label Succulents Collection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Succulents Collection. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Portulaca Gilliesii

June 24, 2020 0 Comments
 Portulaca Gilliesii succulents
This little gem is so cute and keeps on blooming almost all throughout the summer time. Portulaca Gilliesii is a drought-tolerant plant that thrives in dry, desert-like and well-drained soil. So basically, it is an easy plant to have with very minimal care.  A perfect succulent for first time collectors.

Portulaca Gilliesii loves the sun! I really love how it's leaves' colors turn from green to reddish-purple when you let them get a full sun exposure. When you left them in a shady corner and would not receive as much sunlight for a while, it's leaves will turn to green with a little red and purple shades, but not as much as when it is in full sun like in the photo above.

This doesn't receive much sunlight. Look at it's leaves and compare it to the photos above. :)

If you want to know how to care of your succulents, here's are the best-seller books about how to take care of your succulents.  This would surely help and guide you on how to properly take care for your plants.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Aloe Pepe (Aloe descoingsii x haworthioides)

May 04, 2020 0 Comments
Aloe Pepe is a hybrid between Aloe descoingsii and Aloe haworthioides (a.k.a Aloe descoingsii x haworthioides).

Aloe Pepe's cute flower stalk...
I had these Aloe Pepe succulents for a while and this is the first time it bloomed. Its flowers are small and really cute, it has a lighter color, unlike my other aloes. I water it once a week and it has a gritty and well-drained soil. This plant gets sun exposure for 4 hours only because it gets damaged or sunburn when I put in a place where it gets the full sun exposure.